Hi, Iām Blake! I am a photographer, creator, and storyteller based in Arizona, USA.
The American Southwest is where I have spent a majority of my time exploring, and many of my photographs feature various places and landscapes throughout this region. These places are extremely important to me and my goal is to capture and share their unique essence and beauty. As I continue to explore, I strive to do all that I can to protect these places and I continue to focus on improving and deepening my personal relationship with them all.
I love the spirit of adventure! The open road. Exploring new places with friends. Fresh air. Sandy beaches. Desert canyons. Mountain peaks. The mystery of the unknown. Adventure is always calling and the opportunities are endless!
I am forever grateful that photography allows me to share stories of adventure. I love to document the wonderful places and things I encounter on my journeys and I hope to inspire others to make the most of their own explorations in the world.